December 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Special Called Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Consider approval for purchases from Datavox for the 2018-2019 budget year not to exceed the amount of $120,000.
4. Consider issuing RFQ for architect and engineering services for the remaining, unawarded 2017 Bond projects and future, yet-to-be-determined projects
5. Consider and possible action regarding Construction Manager-Agent/Program Manager Services for remaining 2017 Bond Projects, including, but not limited to:
5.A) Consider approval of Work Authorization 2018-12-12-01 with LAN for RFQ #2018-0001 for SMSD Construction Manager-Agent/Program Manager, in an amount not to exceed $300,955.00, for the following 2017 Bond Projects: elementary school renovation, high school renovation and classroom shifts, early childhood renovation, new magnet school, and community center projects.
5.B) Consider approval of Work Authorization 2018-12-12-02 with LAN for RFQ #2018-0001 for SMSD Construction Manager-Agent/Program Manager, in an amount not to exceed $281,122.00, for the following 2017 Bond Projects: early childhood renovation, new magnet school, and community center projects.
5.C) Consider formally ending negotiations with LAN for RFQ #2018-0001 for SMSD Construction Manager-Agent/Program Manager for the remaining, unawarded 2017 Bond projects, due to failure to
negotiate a satisfactory contract and authorizing the superintendent or his designee to proceed with the next most highly qualified provider and attempt to negotiate a contract with that provider at a fair and reasonable price. |
5.D) Consider issuing new RFQ for SMSD Construction Manager-Agent/Program Manager for the remaining, unawarded 2017 Bond projects.
6. Consider approval of budget amendment #1 to the General Fund and related actions.
7. Adjournment