November 13, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Establish Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Bond Update
3.A) Comments by Superintendent and Board of Trustees
4. Recognition Agenda
4.A) Bellaire Medical and Associates
4.B) #CommittedtoSMSD
4.C) Innovative Teaching at the High School
5. Calendar of Events
6. Citizen/Community Participation
7. Reports
7.A) Chief Academic Officer's Report
7.A)1. Campus Improvement Plan
7.A)2. Class Size Update
7.B) Superintendent's Report
7.B)1. TxConnect System
7.B)2. E-mail System
7.C) Chief Financial Officer's Report
7.C)1. Stipends
7.D) Trustees Report
7.D)1. Presentation by Board President
7.D)2. Comments by Trustees
8. Action and/or Discussion Items
8.A) Consider approval of the Campus Improvement Plans and related actions.
8.B) Consider approval of designation and use of fund balance of up to $213,000 for miscellaneous instructional and operational initiatives as designated by the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.
8.C) Consider approval to utilize food service fund balance for small ware equipment and cooking equipment and related actions.
8.D) Consider approval of Resolution authorizing the establishment of a 457(b) plan and approving the terms and conditions of an interlocal agreement between the district and Education Service Center 10 which sponsors the ESC Region 10 457 Cooperative and Master Plan and RAMS FICA Alternative Plan in conjunction with Mid-America
8.E) Consider approval of a resolution casting votes for the election of a director(s) to the Fort Bend Central Appraisal District Board of Directors and related actions.
8.F) Consider approval of superintendent's evaluation instrument and related actions as discussed in closed session.
8.G) Consider approval of a resolution expressing intent to finance expenditures to be incurred.
8.H) Consideration and possible action on adopting alternative construction delivery methods pursuant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2269.
9. Consent Agenda
9.A) Statement of Bills
9.B) Financial Statements
9.C) Payments over $50,000
9.D) Payroll Expenditures
9.E) Department Reports
9.F) New Hires
9.G) Final approval of TASB Policy Update 108
9.H) Board Minutes
9.H)1. September 20, 2017
9.H)2. October 2, 2017
9.H)3. October 14, 2017
9.H)4. October 16, 2017
10. Closed Session
11. Return to Open Session
12. Future Business
12.A) Report(s) by Superintendent and/or Board Members regarding previous or upcoming activities for Board Members or Administration Personnel
12.A)1. Team of Eight Training
12.B) Issues for Upcoming Board Agendas
13. Adjournment