September 11, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Announcement by the president whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called and notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Invocation and Pledge
3. Report by Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer on Hurricane Harvey
3.A) Comments by Trustees
4. #CommittedtoSMSD
5. Video Presentation
6. Citizen Participation
7. Calendar Events
8. Reports
8.A) Chief Academic Officer's Report
8.A)1. Enrollment Update
8.B) Deputy Superintendents' Report
8.B)1. Tutorial Opportunities
8.C) Trustees' Report
9. Action and/or Discussion Items
9.A) Consider approval of certification of 2017 tax year appraisal roll and new property value as presented and related actions.
9.B) Consider approval of certification of 2017 tax year anticipated collection rate as presented and related actions.
9.C) Consider approval of management report on purchasing cooperative fees as presented and related actions.
9.D) Consider approval of commitment with ESC Region 20 for TxEIS Student and Business Software core services, support hosting services as presented and related actions.
9.E) Consider adoption of resolution regarding wage payments during emergency school closings and revision to instructional calendar, and related actions.
9.F) Consider approval of TEA Waiver for 8 Missed Instructional Days from August 25, 2017 to September 6, 2017 as presented and related actions.
9.G) Consider authorizing construction and/or acquisition of a jump pit at the District’s track and a new marquee for the District’s administration building with the remaining proceeds of the District’s Series 2011 Bonds and related actions
10. Consent Agenda
10.A) Board Minutes for August 14, 2017 and August 23, 2017
10.B) Statement of Bills
10.C) Financial Statements
10.D) Payroll Expenditures
10.E) Payments over $50,000
10.F) Department Reports
11. Closed Session
12. Return to Open Session
13. Future Business
13.A) Report(s) by Superintendent and/or Board Members regarding previous or upcoming activities for Board Members or Administration Personnel
13.B) Issues for Upcoming Board Agendas
14. Adjournment