December 5, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - Chair Cindy Nordstrom
II. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Cindy Nordstrom (This was conducted at the Board Work Session prior to this meeting.)
III. Visitors Opportunity to be Heard - Chair Cindy Nordstrom (Collaboration)
IV. Review and Approve the Agenda - Chair Cindy Nordstrom
V. Updates from Student Services - Dr. Melissa Schaller (Communications)
VI. New Business - Chair Cindy Nordstrom (Collaboration)
VI.A. Licensed and Non-Licensed Employee of the Fall Quarter - Taylor Lovin
VI.B. Wendy Felton Minnesota School Board Award - Chair Cindy Nordstrom
VII. Consent Items - Chair Cindy Nordstrom (Communications)
VIII. Executive Director of Business Services Reports - Nicolle Roush (Stewardship)
IX. Policies - Supt. Dr. Michael Favor (Integrity)
X. Updates from Member Districts - All
XI. Adjournment - Chair Cindy Nordstrom