January 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Organizational
Agenda |
1. 2024 Election of Board Officers and Establishing Meeting Dates
1.A. 2024 Election of Board Officers
1.A.1. President
We will now move on to the Annual Organizational Meeting and begin with nominations for the position of President of the Board of Education. (Recognize any Board member wishing to make a nomination.) A second or support is not needed for nominations.
President - Nominees ___________________ nominated by, ____________________ ___________________ nominated by, ____________________ Are there any other nominations for President of the Board of Education? Is there a motion to close nominations? Motion by ____________________, supported by _____________________ to close nominations for the office of President. Discussion? All in favor? (Voice Vote or Show of Hands) Motion carries _____ to _____. Is there a motion to elect (1st nominee) ___________________ as President of the Board of Education? Motion by ____________________, supported by ____________________ to elect ________________ as President of the Board of Education. Discussion? Roll Call Vote: _____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ (If more than one nomination is received, continue this process in the order of nomination until one candidate receives a majority of votes) |
1.A.2. New President Takes Over Meeting
1.A.3. Vice President
Vice President - Nominees
____________________ nominated by, ____________________ ____________________ nominated by, ____________________ Are there any other nominations for Vice President of the Board of Education? Is there a motion to close nominations? Motion by ____________________, supported by _____________________ to close nominations for the office of Vice President. Discussion? All in favor? (Voice Vote or Show of Hands) Motion carries _____ to _____. Is there a motion to elect (1st nominee) ___________________ as Vice President of the Board of Education? Motion by ____________________, supported by ____________________ to elect ________________ as Vice President of the Board of Education. Discussion? Roll Call Vote: _____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ (If more than one nomination is received, continue this process in the order of nomination until one candidate receives a majority of votes) |
1.A.4. Treasurer
Treasurer - Nominees
____________________ nominated by, ____________________ ____________________ nominated by, ____________________ Are there any other nominations for Treasurer of the Board of Education? Is there a motion to close nominations? Motion by ____________________, supported by _____________________ to close nominations for the office of Treasurer. Discussion? All in favor? (Voice Vote or Show of Hands) Motion carries _____ to _____. Is there a motion to elect (1st nominee) ___________________ as Treasurer of the Board of Education? Motion by ____________________, supported by ____________________ to elect ________________ as Treasurer of the Board of Education. Discussion? Roll Call Vote: _____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ (If more than one nomination is received, continue this process in the order of nomination until one candidate receives a majority of votes) |
1.A.5. Secretary
Secretary - Nominees
____________________ nominated by, ____________________ ____________________ nominated by, ____________________ Are there any other nominations for Secretary of the Board of Education? Is there a motion to close nominations? Motion by ____________________, supported by _____________________ to close nominations for the office of Secretary. Discussion? All in favor? (Voice Vote or Show of Hands) Motion carries _____ to _____. Is there a motion to elect (1st nominee) ___________________ as Secretary of the Board of Education? Motion by ____________________, supported by ____________________ to elect ________________ as Secretary of the Board of Education. Discussion? Roll Call Vote: _____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ (If more than one nomination is received, continue this process in the order of nomination until one candidate receives a majority of votes) |
1.B. Motion to approve the 2024 Board Meeting Dates/Times
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske_____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____
2. Motion to approve Board of Education Operating Procedures
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____
3. Motion to Approve authorized signers for the Houghton Lake Community School Board of Education as:
Superintendent, Benjamin Williams Board President, ____________________ Board Treasurer, ____________________
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
4. Motion to approve the following depositories for Houghton Lake Community Schools: JP Morgan Chase Bank, PFM, Horizon Bank.
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
5. Motion to retain Thrun Law Firm as Houghton Lake Community School Board of Education's legal counsel.
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
6. Motion to appoint Kim Chinery to implement the public notice requirements of OMA (Section 5(1)).
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ Per OMA, the BOE must officially designate a person responsible for implementing the public notice requirements of OMA (Section 5(1)). To make the designation official, the board must formally appoint the individual at a board meeting and record the designation in the meeting minutes (1977 OAG 5183). (Open Meetings Guide 13, page 17) |
7. Move into Regular Meeting
Time: __________
8. Approve the Agenda
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
9. Consent Agenda
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
9.A. Approval of the 1/3/2024 Meeting Minutes
9.B. Approval of the December 2023 Check Register
9.C. Recommendation to Hire: Phillip Rogers, Collins TA, $15/hr
9.D. Recommendation to Hire: Anthony Bornholdt, Bus Driver, $16/hr
10. Student/Staff Recognition
11. Motion to appoint Superintendent Williams as Discipline Hearing Officer
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
12. Motion to move into Closed Session for the purpose of Student Discipline, Student #2023-24-05, under the Open Meetings Act Section 8(b).
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
13. Return to Open Session
Time: __________
14. Motion to Approve Closed Session Minutes
(Voice Vote or Show of Hands)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____ |
15. Public Comments
"Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by your comments. While it is not our intent to stifle public comment, speakers should be aware that if your statements violate the rights of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy, you may be held legally responsible. If you are unsure of the legal ramifications of what you are about to say, we urge you to consult first with your legal advisor. Each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes. Delegations of more than five persons wishing to speak on the same topic shall appoint one person to present their views to the Board." |
16. Reports
16.A. Superintendent Report
17. Action Items
17.A. Action/Outcome/Determination after Student Discipline Hearing
Motion by ____________________ and supported by ____________________ to
____________________ Student #2023-24-05 through ___________________________________________________. (Roll Call Vote) _____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion passes/fails _____ - _____. |
17.B. Motion to approve Quality Environmental Services proposal for asbestos abatement at Collins Elementary. $215,000 (ESSER)
(Roll Call Vote)
_____Boals _____Christian _____Halliday _____Jeske _____Oster _____Souder _____Whittington Motion carries _____ to _____
18. Discussion
18.A. First Reading
18.B. Board Packet distribution schedule
18.C. If President and/or Secretary positions have changed, gather new signatures for diplomas.
19. Board Calendar
19.A. February:
19.B. March:
20. Upcoming Student Events
20.A. Collins Elementary:
21. Adjourn
Time: __________