August 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call Work Session to Order ~ POL 0164.1
2. Roll Call
Brown____ Nichols____ Combs____ Christian____ Souder____ Bosel____ Whittington____ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Agenda ~ POL 0166
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
5. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting - 08/12/2019 Regular Meeting.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________
6. Approve the Consent Agenda ~ POL 0166.1, BOP 1.1.3
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ to approve the following items listed below on the Consent Agenda: ROLL CALL VOTE: Nichols____ Combs____ Bosel____ Souder____ Brown____ Christian____ Whittington____ |
6.A. Check Register June - July 2019
6.B. Resignations
Adams - Bus Driver Scherzer - Teacher Martindale - Teacher Assistant B. Hunt - Student Success Advocate Polash - Student Success Advocate |
6.C. Recommendation to Hire
Bontekoe - 8th Grade Volleyball Coach Cooper - Kindergarten Teacher |
7. Reports
7.A. Energy Audit Presentation - Schneider Electric
8. Discussion ~ BOP 1.3.6
8.A. MHSAA Membership Resolution 2019-20
8.B. First Reading - Board Policy 0100, 0167.2, 1422.01, 1430, 2210, 2414, 3120, 3120.04, 3140, 3430, 4140, 5330
8.C. Pilot Curriculum
8.C.1. Junior/Senior High STEM
8.C.2. Collins Elementary Science Extension
9. Citizen's Request to Address the Board of Education ~ POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
"Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by your comments. While it is not our intent to stifle public comment, speakers should be aware that if your statements violate the right of others under the law of defamation or invasion of privacy, you may be held legally responsible. If you are unsure of the legal ramifications of what you are about to say, we urge you to consult first with your legal advisor." |
10. Action Items ~ POL 0167.1, BOP 1.4
10.A. Motion to approve the MHSAA Membership Resolution for 2019-20 as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ ROLL CALL VOTE: Whittington____ Nichols____ Bosel____Combs____ Souder____ Christian____ Brown____ |
11. Board Opportunity to Make a Comment/Statement ~ POL 0143.1
12. Superintendent Comments
13. Adjourn