June 10, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Public Sector
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Action Items (Roman Numeral V Only): Resignations
V.A. Jeanne Nesbit - Lead Daycare Faciltator - 10 Years of Service
V.B. Randy Nesbit - Board of Education Secretary/Member
VI. Recognitions
VI.A. Jeanne Nesbit, Lead Daycare Facilitator
VI.B. Randy Nesbit - Board of Education Service
VII. Discussion Items
VII.A. Finance
VII.A.1. Budget to Actual - May
VII.A.2. Final Budget Amendment 2012-13
VII.A.3. Adoption of 2013-14 Budget
VII.A.4. Tax Levy Request (tentative)
VII.B. Facilities
VII.B.1. Current information on the Track
VII.C. Personnel
VII.C.1. Administrator Compensentation 2012-13
VII.C.2. Administrative Compensation 2013-14
VII.C.3. Reduction in Staff
VII.C.4. Tenure and Continuing Probationary Teachers
VII.D. Student Handbooks: HS, MS, Spitler, Diman-Wolf ECC
VII.E. Policy - First Reading
VIII. Executive Session - To discuss Negotiations
IX. Public Sector
X. Adjourn