January 18, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
The Board may recognize individuals or groups who have excelled in academic or athletic pursuits, or who have contributed to NCSD in a significant manner.
6. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person, or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.
8. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Election of Officers
9. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Designate signatures for checks/warrants
10. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Fix the term of office
11. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion and appointment of Trustees for any other positions, officers, or to serve on various committees
12. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Consent Agenda
12.A. Approve, disapprove, amend, or modify the December 14, 2023 minutes.
12.B. Approve the NCSD Warrants
12.C. Informational - Academic outcomes for 3-8 (ELA and Math), 11th (ELA and Math), 5, 8, 10 (Science), ELPA K-12, and district-wide Chronic Absenteeism
13.A. Administrator Reports, School Spotlight
13.B. Superintendent's Report
13.C. Board Reports
14. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Presentation and acceptance of an independent audit for the year ending June 30, 2023. Certified Public Accountant Daniel C. McArthur will present this item. |
15. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion and possible action on a resolution concerning the financing of school improvements; directing the Chief Operating Officer to notify the Nye County Debt Management Commission of the District’s proposal to issue general obligation school improvement bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $32,000,000; authorizing the Chief Operating Officer or Superintendent to arrange for the sale of general obligation school improvement bonds; authorizing the redemption of certain of the District’s outstanding bonds; and providing the effective date. Marty Johnson, JNA Consulting Group LLC, will present this item.
16. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion to approve, disapprove, amend, or modify Window Security Film Installation. Maintenance and Operations Director Joe Schmidt will present this Item.
17. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Approval of the Public Employees' Retirement System of Nevada (NV PERS) Critical Needs Designation Form-Substitutes-Clarification of Roles. Human Resources Director Chelle Wright will present this item.
18. CLOSED SESSION - Pursuant to NRS 388.471-388.515; NRS 388.267 and NRS 241.030 for the purpose of discussion of personnel matters regarding the possible non-permissible physical restraint of a student and a proposed corrective action plan as required by NRS 388.508.
19. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Approve, disapprove, amend, or modify the proposed corrective action plan regarding the possible non-permissible physical restraint violation.
20. INFORMATIONAL - Discussion regarding future Board meeting topics.
21. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Approval of the Nevada Association of School Boards (NASB) and National School Boards Association (NSBA) training and conferences for the year.
22. FOR POSSIBLE ACTION - Discussion to approve, disapprove, amend, or modify the date or attendance area of future Board meetings.
The BOT may make any change of date, time, or location that has become necessary.
23. GENERAL PUBLIC INPUT for items NOT LISTED on the agenda: At this time, the public is invited to address the Board on items not listed on the agenda over which the Board has jurisdiction. Matters raised cannot be deliberated or acted upon until properly placed on a future agenda. If you wish to speak, please step up to the podium and state your name. A time limit of three minutes per person, or five minutes for the spokesperson for a group to avoid repetition will be imposed. Although this Board does not restrict comments based on viewpoint, comments will be prohibited if the content is irrelevant to the Board, repetitious, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, deemed a personal attack, or interferes with the rights of other speakers. Comments made during this time will be monitored by the Board President.