September 12, 2006 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, September 12, 2006.
Brian Drummond
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Input
4. Approve Board Minutes of August 8, 2006 Training Meeting, August 9, 2006 Regular Meeting, August 14, 2006 Special Meeting, August 29, 2006 Special meeting, and September 11, 2006 Special Meeting.
5. Discussion on Road Conditions in Thrall ISD
Brian Drummond and Representatives of Williamson County Road and Bridge.
6. Principal and Directors Reports
Principals and Directors
7. Discussion and Possible Action to purchase a used 2001 International AmTran 71 Passenger School Bus.
Keith Brown
8. Open Public Hearing to Discuss School FIRST Report (School FIRST is a rating system used by the Texas Education Agency for the financial accountability of all public school districts in Texas)
Lorine Fox
Present Thrall ISD's FIRST Report
8.A. Overview of School FIRST Report
8.B. Presentation of Thrall ISD's School FIRST Report
8.C. Board and Administration will address questions and comments from the public concerning the School FIRST Report.
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of The 2006-2007 Campus and District Improvement Plans.
Mac Edwards, Denise Carter, Susan Burkhart, Keith Brown.
10. Discussion and Possible Action to appoint Williamson County Extension Agents, David W. Groschke, David D. Wright and Madelena M. Johnson, as adjunct faculty members of Thrall ISD for the 2006-2007 school Year in accordance with 19 TAC & 129.121 (K) (1).
Brian Drummond
11. Discussion and Possible Action to adopt a resolution regarding the Extracurricular status of 4-H members in accordance with TAC 19, 129.21 (K) (1).
Brian Drummond
12. Approve Financial Reports
Lorine Fox
13. Approve Quarterly and Annual Investment Reports
Lorine Fox
14. Discussion and Possible Action; Employment of Teaching Personnel, Resignations of Teaching Personnel.
15. Adjourn