April 28, 2003 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Forum for community input
4. Presentations: Mr. Leal's Music Group
5. Minutes from previous meetings
6. Financial reports, budget & taxation issues, budget amendments
6.A. Budget amendments
6.B. Bill payments
6.C. Grant funding request
6.D. Monthly reports
7. District SBDM requests
7.A. School calendar - 2003 / 2004
7.B. 30-step pay scale
7.C. Staff development waiver
8. Stipend chart revisions, pay rate chart, positions / slots (See #7b)
9. Leaver audit (regarding drop-outs, etc.)
10. Approval of grants proposals (See #6c)
11. Set meeting date for Board election canvassing
12. Incident involving student discipline
13. Personnel: Hiring of contractual personnel, resignations, contract terminations / non-renewals, issues, etc..
13.A. Business Manager
13.B. Junior High Principal
13.C. High School Principal
13.D. Other Certified Staff
13.E. Certified Staff
14. Superintendent's appraisal, goals, directives, contract, compensation, etc.
14.A. Goals and directives
14.B. Summative appraisal process
15. Board members add items to future meetings