August 21, 2015 at 12:00 PM - Semi-Annual Board Planning Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Welcome, Overview and Introductions
2.A. Context and purpose of today's meeting
2.A.1. Introduce Facilitator-Mary Heffernan
Presenter: Board Chair Nels Johnson |
2.B. Review Outcomes and Agenda
2.B.1. Approach to the Day
Presenter: Facilitator Mary Heffernan |
3. Context for the Day
3.A. Assumptions and guiding principals to help the day go well
3.B. Our stories and values related to our belief in MESD's purpose
4. Develop Common Understandings and Information for all Directors
4.A. Key elements of our recent history
4.B. Purpose of MESD, what we do and how we do it
4.B.1. ESD's in general
4.B.2. Our programs and departments
4.B.3. Questions
5. Common Understandings, (cont'd)
5.A. Generate list of remaining questions about MESD systems and procedures
6. Working Agreements, Policies, and procedures to Support Achieving our Goals
6.A. Our frame work for working together: Procedures and Relationships Includes Communication Agreements and Methods
6.B. Develop clarity and agreement about responsibilities of all Roles
6.C. Decision-making & authority of the Board, Chair, Vice-Chair, Committees
6.D. If time: Plan for Committees and Assignments, Superintendent Search, Filling Board Vacancy
7. Board Agreement on High-Level Priority Goals for 2015-2016
7.A. Assumes we will revisit and expand goals once Board Vacancy is filled
7.B. As time allows:
7.B.1. Implications for Board Focus and Activities
7.B.2. If time: key strategies or next steps for priority goals
8. Next Steps
8.A. How do we sustain the direction we have set for ourselves?
8.B. Actions, by whom, by when (if needed)
8.C. What's next for Parking Lot Items
9. Closing and Evaluation