January 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Reading of the minutes of the December 8, 2011 board meeting.
3. Recognize guests.
4. Audience to Patrons
5. Consider and act on financial statement as of December 31, 2011..
6. Consider and act on request from Crystal City to waive delinquent taxes owed by city.
7. Consider and act on food service bids.
8. Consider and act on moving the March Board Meeting date from March 15th to March 22nd.
9. Consider and Act on the Order and Notice of Election of College Trustees to be held Saturday, May 12, 2012.
10. Consider and Act on lease agreement - Del Rio campus.
11. Consider Personnel Matters: The Board will convene in closed session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.074 to consider:
11.A. Evaluation of the President
12. Reconvene in Open Session to:
13. Report:
13.A. The State of Texas House of Representatives - Resolution