January 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting of the School Board
Agenda |
1. Preliminary Actions
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. Adoption of Agenda
2. Communication
2.1. Open Forum
Forty-five minutes is set aside at each regular meeting for the public to address the school board. In the interest of keeping a timely and orderly meeting, speakers are limited to 3 minutes. Additional, written comments can be given to the board. Speakers are reminded that the board will honor laws protecting student and employee data privacy. The board does not make decisions during open forum. Matters may be referred to the superintendent or staff if follow-up is necessary. The complete public participation policy is available at www.district112.org.
2.2. Communications from Student Representatives
2.3. Communication from Superintendent
3. Consent Agenda
Consent items are those which usually do not require discussion or explanation prior to school board action, are non-controversial and/or similar in content, or are those items which have already been discussed and/or explained and do not require further discussion or explanation. Items shall be removed from the consent agenda by a request by an individual school board member for independent consideration.
3.1. Minutes of the December 6 Regular Meeting, Special Meeting and January 10 Organizational Meeting
3.2. Personnel Items
3.3. Bills for Payment, Wire Transfers and Construction
3.4. Gifts and Donations
3.5. Policies
3.5.1. Affirmed
| 524-Internet and Technology Acceptable Use
| 611-Early Entrance to Kindergarten
| 904-Distribution of Materials
| 905-Advertising
3.5.2. Revised
| 413-Sexual, Racial and Religious Harassment and Violence Prohibition
| 514-Bully Prohibition
3.6. Upcoming 2022 Field Trips: CNS & CHS DECA State, DECa Nationals, State Robotics; CHS Regional Robotics
4. Reports
4.1. Facilities Needs Analysis
Ron M. and Jim M
4.2. Nutrition Services Update
Ron M. and Kim F.
5. Recommended Actions
5.1. Building Envelope Improvement Bid Award
Ron M.
6. Communication / Information
6.1. Communications from School Board
7. Adjourn